Top 10 NLO|Fibromyalgia Articles of 2015

Woman looking contemplative

Coping with Fibromyalgia Back Pain

Back pain is incredibly painful and can be very debilitating. So how do you cope? We discusses strategies for coping with fibromyalgia back pain.

The Danger of Saying ‘It’s Probably My Fibro’

How many times have you felt unwell and just assumed it’s a new fibromyalgia symptom? We look at the importance of not ignoring new symptoms.

10 Things Not to Say to Someone with Fibromyalgia

It’s not surprising that people struggle to know what to say. We've listed the top 10 things not to say to someone with fibromyalgia.

Trying Cannabis for Fibromyalgia Pain

"I have never used cannabis for fibromyalgia pain, but on a recent trip to Amsterdam I thought it was time to do some research." Sarah discusses her experience with using cannabis for fibro.

Fibro Sensitivity and Pain

Fibromyalgia is well known for causing widespread pain. For some it is a fibro sensitivity to touch, which is known as tactile allodynia.

Managing Fibromyalgia Night Sweats and Hot Flashes

For many people with fibromyalgia night sweats and hot flashes are a common occurrence. Learn more about why and how to manage this frustrating symptom.

Fibromyalgia and Emotional Sensitivity

A heightened, or lack of, emotional response is common with fibro sufferers. Adriel looks at fibromyalgia and emotional sensitivity, and some ways to cope.

Fibromyalgia Numbness: Causes and Coping

Fibromyalgia numbness and tingling is called paresthesia, and affects around one in four people with FM. Starla looks at causes and strategies for coping.

Fibromyalgia and Noise Sensitivity

Noise can increase our pain, cause headaches and leave us feeling exhausted. So why do fibromyalgia and noise sensitivity co-exist, and how can we cope?

Fibromyalgia and Cognitive Problems

"Pain is generally considered the primary symptom of fibromyalgia, but I feel there is another one equal to, if not worse than, pain," Read on to find out what it is.

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