12 Home Remedies for Fibromyalgia Pain

Home Remedies for Fibromyalgia

There are many ways to manage fibromyalgia symptoms at home. Alternative therapies and home remedies such as massage, hot and cold therapy, vitamins and supplements, acupuncture, aromatherapy and meditation have been found to help many people with their chronic pain. In this article we will look at 12 ways you can try to manage your fibromyalgia.

1. Massage

I find massage helps me with my muscle pain, reduces my stiffness and is very relaxing. You can purchase handheld massagers and massage guns to use at home, like a Theragun. This is a great option if you are unable to see a massage therapist.

2. Heat and Cold Therapy

This includes hot tubs, hot and cold baths and showers and hot and cold compresses. I find alternating between both temperatures to be great for reducing muscle pain and reducing pain in any trigger point areas.

3. Meditation, Deep Breathing Exercises and Positive Affirmations

I have self-taught myself these using books, online courses and YouTube. Not only have I managed to reduce my stress levels and anxiety, but also how I react to my symptoms.

4. Exercise

This can include tai chi, yoga, stretching, low impact interval training (LIIT) and walking. I find exercising challenging to undertake, and this is due to an increase in post-exercise fatigue and pain. My advice is to start slow — even a few minutes a day or per week can help. I feel less stiff, with reduced muscle pain, and it improves my sleep and moods.

5. Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements

It is well-documented that some vitamin deficiencies can cause similar symptoms to fibromyalgia. For example, my vitamin D deficiency caused an increase in fatigue and muscle pain. However, you must always discuss your symptoms with your doctors if you are planning to try any vitamins or supplements; some vitamins and supplements can react negatively with your medications or with each other (for example, SAMe and St. John’s Wort).

Many fibromyalgia patients also experience what is known as fibro fog, which can impair your cognitive abilities. If you experience this, you should talk to your doctor. They might recommend some vitamins to help, such as:

  • Vitamin D. This nutrient is crucial for brain health. While a lack of vitamin D can cause fogginess, it can also cause feelings of sadness and depression.
  • Omega-3. This vitamin can help with brain fog, as well as memory, attention and focus.
  • Magnesium. This can be found in foods such as beans, seeds and spinach, but if you still aren't getting enough, you can take a supplement. This will help increase your energy levels, ensure proper nerve function and moderate your blood pressure, which can all contribute to brain fog.
  • Vitamin C. This vitamin is mainly known for helping to boost your immunity, but it can also support other bodily functions, like your brain health.
  • B complex vitamins. B vitamins are crucial to your health. Deficiencies in these can lead to brain fog and memory and concentrating troubles. If you take the supplement recommended by your doctor, it should help with brain fog.
  • L-theanine. This is a component found in green tea, as well as other plants. It has the power to improve one's cognitive alertness, reactivity and memory.
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6. Diagnostic Diet

Some individuals develop sensitivities to certain foods. Cutting out types of food from your diet for a period of time and monitoring your symptoms can be an effective way of finding out which foods impact how you feel.

7. Listen to Music

There is no better feeling than listening to your favorite tracks. Try developing a playlist. Play this as often as you can to lift your mood and take your mind off any troubling symptoms. Maybe even dance.

8. Maintain Proper Sleep Hygiene

Develop a strict nighttime routine. For example, reduce your phone and television usage before bed, and do not consume alcohol, nicotine, food or drinks within two hours of going to bed. Also, keep your bedroom cool, and try to fall asleep and wake up at a similar time every day.

9. Pace Yourself

Stretching out activities over multiple days ensures that plenty of rest is undertaken in between tasks.

10. Aromatherapy

Some essential oils have soothing properties and can be used in a diffuser or massaged onto the skin. However, please use with caution, as some oils can cause issues in children and animals.

11. Acupuncture

Some people believe this can help with stiffness, reduce pain levels and increase blood flow to certain areas.

12. Therapy

Therapies, such as hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and counseling can teach you techniques and strategies to cope and deal with stressful situations.

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