I try very hard to keep going. I don't want this disease to define me!
In February of this year I was once again diagnosed with a very low vitamin D level. After six weeks of high dose prescription vitamin D I felt normal again. But in September the horrid aching, brain fog, fatigue and insomnia returned. This time my vitamin D levels were fine. My doctor believes I have fibromyalgia and so do I, as I have noticed many others with the condition experience degenerative disc issues, as I have.
I have recently experienced great stress due to a lifestyle change, and I had a surgery in January.
I try very hard to keep going. I don't want this disease to define me!
I have three friends who I could not do without. They let me vent without judgment, and they know I am not lazy, or a hypochondriac.
Everything has changed. I started going to the gym in May, and was feeling good! Then suddenly my thigh muscles became very weak. Within two weeks my knees all but quit. My bone and joint doctor placed a gel injection in each knee, and they are a bit better now, but I’m beginning to have the same issue with my fingers and wrists.
I used to do Zumba, but quit because it caused more pain. I love gardening, but have had to be very selective about it recently. I enjoy a neat, tidy, well-maintained home, but am no longer able to keep up with it as I would really like. I have to constantly excuse myself from activities, which is hurtful not only to me, but to family and friends, too. I miss my life as it was.
I try very hard to keep going. Just to get out of bed, move, do what I can. I don't want this disease to define me! I do wish my husband and family had a better understanding of the disease, but I fear they believe it’s "all in my head," and that hurts a lot.
Keep moving! Study everything you can about this disease. Know that it is very real and do not let any person make you feel less than who you know you are! Study the right and wrong things to eat, and be mentally active and physically active.
Know that it is very real - do not let any person make you feel less than you know you are!
I am 65 years old as of August. I love dressing up and going out socially. I used to play pool in league. I love cooking, dancing, music, reading, gardening, and watching softball. What I once did with zest, I now do a bit more easy, but I refuse to give up.
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