Other People
At times people can say unkind and insensitive things. At times people make me feel like I have to prove that I really am sick. At times the hardest part of having a chronic illness is the judgment from others. And this may not always be verbal – you can tell from their facial expressions, by their tone of voice, that they think you're exaggerating.
But I have found that overall, people really do mean well. There are many people who have been instrumental in my healing process. I am not sure how I would have been able to get through some of the trials that I have, without the help and support from my family and friends.
I also know that even when someone does say something hurtful, it most likely is due to ignorance. I have faith that the more fibro sufferers speak out and raise awareness, the less we will have to endure these painful comments from the uninformed.
I have faith that the good in people will prevail. My faith in the good in others helps me endure the unkindness I meet.
I have faith that more chronic illness sufferers will step forward to share their story. This will, in turn, will help more people to grasp just what we are dealing with.
I have faith that when more people are conscious of this, the more understanding and accepting they will become of our limitations, all while being more appreciative of what abilities and strengthen we do have.
This is a hard one for me. I have had low self-esteem for most of my life. I honestly thought that thinking well of myself was a sin.
But I now perceive that there are instances where it is necessary to have faith in yourself in order to heal and to cope. I have had to learn how to do this. I have learned that I am much stronger and more capable than I had given myself credit for.
I have faith in myself that I can continue to survive. I have faith in myself that I can continue to fight, no matter how difficult it gets. I have faith that I can continue to smile through the pain. And most importantly, I have faith that when I am faced with challenging decisions regarding my health, I will be able to make the best possible choice.
The bottom line is this: fibromyalgia is a big challenge and each one of us has to figure out what will help us to withstand the physical and emotional pain that comes with it. Each of us has to find that thing we can put our confidence in. We have to find that thing that keeps us fighting from one day to the next.
For me, a major aspect of that is my strong, unwavering faith. My faith allows me to look towards the future with a positive outlook. And isn’t that what all of us need?